Lindsey Morgan: “The 100” actress talks her physical and emotional creative challenges as Raven Reyes and her connection with the fans

PHOTOS: Rebecca Karta
STYLING: Michelle Wu
MAKEUP: Hendra Nasril
HAIR: Bradley Leake
WORDS: Jasmine Perrier

A few days before we heard Lindsey Morgan’s voice over the phone as she called us from sunny California, she was spotted in Paris and Marrakech alongside her co-stars of The 100, surrounded by the excitement of the fans who have been following her journey on the hit show by The CW since 2014. Five seasons and almost 70 episodes later, Lindsey’s character Raven Reyes became a prominent leading female figure on TV. When she is not filming in Vancouver or traveling around the world to share treasured moments with her fans, Lindsey resides in Los Angeles where she moved a few years ago to pursue her acting career full-time.

The idea that you can help somebody with something you love, it is really special

Born in Georgia, and raised in Texas, Lindsey Morgan discovered her love for acting from a young age, as she was trying out for plays and musicals in school. ‘‘I was really shy as a kid and I had stage fright,’’ Lindsey laughs. ‘‘I’m still 50% extravert and 50% introvert.’’ She first got involved in the creative world while working on the backdrops of the shows of her school. She was secretly wishing that she could be as brave as the actors performing in front of her, until she ended up getting a small part in a play. ‘‘In high school, I started getting a little more sure of myself, braver. I guess it was when I was putting on my stage makeup, I thought that I could do this everyday and be happy. It was very simple. That just taught me happiness,’’ she says. When she applied for colleges a few years later, Lindsey decided to change her major to theater, in order to follow her secret love for acting. ‘‘I thought I was going to go into politics or journalism,’’ she laughs. ‘‘But I knew that if I could act, it would make me a stronger person, more vulnerable and more confident in myself.’’

When I do a project, I’m giving it a piece of my heart

While attending her first year at The University of Texas in Austin, Lindsey was already making her first professional steps within the industry, booking commercials and guest roles in critically acclaimed television series such as My Generation and Friday Night Lights. Realizing quickly that the filming world had so much more to offer, Lindsey dropped out college after two years. ‘‘I moved to LA, much to my parents’ dismay,’’ she admits, laughing. ‘‘That was a really hard decision for me, because I loved school and I think education is super important. But the reality of it was that I wanted to pursue more films and TV, and there wasn’t the same opportunity for it in Houston as it would be in LA,’’ she states.


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